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My Wardrobe Today – Thursday

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wardrobe oxygen1
ann taylor necklace
brass bracelet
IMG 00113

Skirt – Gap (similar)
Booties – Miss Sixty (similar)
Bracelet Twisted Silver
Necklace – c/o Ann Taylor

I was supposed to go to a blogger event this evening but I decided I needed to go to my Weight Watchers meeting for the first time in over a month. I don't believe I have gained much, but I surely am stagnant and need support to get through the “Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” While many gorge on Halloween candy or Thanksgiving stuffing, I am the one who racks up the PointsPlus with eggnog, hors d'ourves, and New Years champagne. While I know what to do to stay on track, the meetings really help me feel accountable and I always learn amazing new tips and tricks from those in the audience.

wool peacoat

Peacoat – Calvin Klein (similar)
Pashmina – c/o Pashmina International

It is back to feeling like winter in DC, not so freezing that I am insane in bare calves, but enough that I pulled out the peacoat.

aids day

December 1st is World AIDS Day, and this year is also the 30th anniversary of the CDC first reporting on AIDS. If you're sexually active – get tested. It doesn't matter if you're in a monogamous relationship now, you still should know your stats. And if you wish to do something stylish to increase awareness and stop the spread of AIDS, I encourage you to check out the Until There's a Cure jewelry line.

From the Until There's a Cure site:

Until Thereโ€™s A Cure is committed to:
  • Funding innovative programs which promote AIDS awareness and prevention education.
  • Providing financial support for care and services for those living with AIDS.
  • Supporting and advocating for AIDS vaccine development which offers the best hope for reducing the spread of HIV.

I have and regularly wear the UTAC classic bracelet (not wearing today because I think Emerson hid it), and they have extended the collection to include pieces made by an amazing variety of artists and communities in rural parts of South Africa, and they have different pieces supporting different aspects of AIDS awareness and support.



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A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. I hope you are a friend of Allie’s and that is some sort of inside joke.  Otherwise it is just plain rude and unnecessary.  If you don’t like her blog, go somewhere else.  She’s adorable and her response to you was very classy.

  2. LOL grass always greener! It’s tough trying to figure out what to wear this winter, while tights give some coverage it’s still cold to go in skirts all winter, especially since I take public transportation and walk to work. I just got a pair of tall boots but they need some adjustment – taking to the cobbler this weekend to see if they can fix them or they need to be returned. Hopefully that will pan out!

  3. I too like you in the shorter pencil skirts–they truly flatter both your figure and legs.  With the weather getting cooler fast, I assume you’ll be wearing tights, which, in my opinion, look great with your winter outfits!  I have the opposite problem of skinny “birdy” legs and so tights add some shape to my calves.   

  4. No that’s fine, and I am glad you commented. I agree, this isn’t my best length. I just crave a bit of variety in my wardrobe, and with my figure pants aren’t fitting well and I get bored with my never-ending collection of shorter pencil-like skirts. This is a skirt I already owned and though it may not look the best in these photos, each time I wear it I get compliments from strangers and honest friends. I don’t plan to purchase more skirts at this length since they do hit at a not-so-great part of my leg, but it’s freeing to switch up the uniform from time to time, especially with a fun fabric like leather. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. IMHO, the length of this skirt is just not right for you.  Plus the combo with the bare legs and booties lead the impression that your legs are bigger than they really are.  Since you admit this is your problem area I’m surprised that you wear this skirt/bootie combo so often.  The look you wore on Tuesday with the shorter animal print skirt and dark stockings looked so good on you.  I swear you look 20 pounds lighter on Tuesday than you do in this pic.   Sorry to be negative.  But  I cringe every time I see you in this skirt and decided that I had to comment. 

  6. Whilst I wouldn’t wear this, I really like this on you!  I feel like it’s corporate whilst also staying true to your personal style.

  7. I admire you for your persistence in leading a healthy lifestyle.  It is so hard sometimes.  But thank you for always being honest with your hurdles, it is so encouraging to your virtual friends! ๐Ÿ™‚  You look fabulous!

  8. Thank you for taking the time to comment, but more so thank you for being an HIV educator. Thirty years and people still don’t understand HIV, how you can and cannot get it. We need more people like you in the world. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Thank you so much for posting about World AIDS Day. I have been reading your blog for a few years now but don’t think I have commented until now. I am a fashion lover and HIV educator so to see you post this warmed my heart. 

  10. The rest of the outfit was gray and black, which made the magenta tights the focal point. They are the brightest tights I own, and I think for me this is the best way – as the only burst of color in an otherwise very neutral ensemble (gray sweater, black skirt and gray suede booties).

  11. I have a weakness for egg nog too, and I discovered that about a 1/4 cup of light egg nog in a cup of coffee satisfies the urge for nog and nog lattes, at just 2 points plus!
    p.s. your color block ensemble a couple of days ago totally inspired me and I’m testing it today (though a bit limited by all the black in my wardrobe, but a pair of magenta tights worked!)

  12. awwww. i was really hoping to see you tonight!
    still making up my mind if im going — its been a busy week, and a night off (aka, a night of cleaning the house and doing dishes) might be in order…

  13. I love this whole look on you, Allie – and you’ve convinced me that I need to bust out my faux-leather skirt for the first time soon: I bought it a couple of months ago, and its been hanging in the closet ever since!

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