

Pumpkin merino scoopneck sweater from Marshall’s (’07)(do not recall the brand), dark denim skirt from Gap (’06), tan Bern boots from Duo (’07), silver cuff (’97) and hoops (’07). Though not pictured, most of the day I also wore my avocado pashmina around my neck. Hair was second day, I brushed it out, put some… Continue Reading Monday



Teal jersey dress from Proenza Schouler for Target (bow untied and tucked under belt), leather belt from… not sure if thrifted or inherited from my Mom, tan leather “Bern” boots from Duo, gold chain from Express, gold bangles from Ralph Lauren, gold hoops from Claire’s. Makeup is L’Oreal True match concealer in W4-5, philosophy’s The… Continue Reading Thursday



White stretch cotton v-neck from Banana Republic (spring 07 clearance), black stretch poplin trousers from Caslon (summer 07), black city boots from Impo (06), silver cuff and hoops, silver necklace from Brass Plum (07) and then once I got in the car until I am writing this now, I have also had my avocado pashmina… Continue Reading Monday