Search Results for: jumpsuits

Alison of Wardrobe Oxygen in a gray boilersuit with a black leather belt bag and silver hoops from Jenny Bird

Coveralls and a Belt Bag for NYC

I shared I Saturday’s Weekend Reads that I was going to New York City during New York Fashion Week and I wasn’t going to buy anything new for it. This jumpsuit is new to the blog, but one I bought last month. I’ve been loving the whole flight suit concept of boilersuits and coveralls this… Continue Reading Coveralls and a Belt Bag for NYC

Styling a summer jumpsuit for fall - tips on how to do this successfully by Wardrobe Oxygen who is wearing a zebra print Banana Republic jumpsuit with a denim jacket and black ankle booties by Clark's and carrying a Rough & Tumble handbag in black leather.
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A Zebra Jumpsuit for Fall

Yesterday on the blog, I shared this zebra jumpsuit from Banana Republic, and styled it for summer. No matter what the retailers say, filling their stores with plastic pumpkins and spiced candles, fall is a ways away and it’s okay to embrace the current season.  Summer does NOT end with Labor Day.  However, fall is… Continue Reading A Zebra Jumpsuit for Fall