Search Results for: stripes

What I wore on a winter weekend getaway - a look from my capsule wardrobe
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Capsule Wardrobe for a Winter Weekend Getaway

Earlier this month, Karl took me away for a weekend to celebrate my birthday. He planned the trip, letting me know where we were going but we didn’t have a really planned itinerary. He also invited our friends to join us. Knowing him and the location, I felt there would be activity – hiking, walks,… Continue Reading Capsule Wardrobe for a Winter Weekend Getaway

Alison wearing the Soma INNOFIT bra while looking at the INNOFIT app on her smartphone

SOMAINNOFIT Review: A Precise Bra Fitting at Home

Have you heard of SOMAINNOFIT? It’s this new and revolutionary tool from Soma to get a precise bra fitting at home. In fact, the SOMAINNOFIT bra provides a more accurate fitting than by many professionals. SOMAINNOFIT is a battery-operated bra with a coordinating free app; the combination measures you for a perfectly fitting bra without… Continue Reading SOMAINNOFIT Review: A Precise Bra Fitting at Home

What I Wore: Universal Standard Basics

What I Wore: Universal Standard Basics

I was tempted to call this post, “What I Wore: Bad hair and too much wind for a photo shoot.”  Honestly, if I wasn’t sharing my real life core wardrobe, I’d likely scrap this shoot but this is real life and what I really wore the other day.  What I wore was a really bad… Continue Reading What I Wore: Universal Standard Basics

holiday gift guide for tweens and teens

Gift Guide for Teens and Tweens by a Teen

Last year I invited my friend Marley to write a holiday gift guide for tweens. You all loved it so much, I invited Marley to return this year and provide the coolest gifts for older tweens and younger teens in your life. Since my daughter is more a tween than a teen, I’ve added some… Continue Reading Gift Guide for Teens and Tweens by a Teen

talbots petite review

Cyber Monday: I Own It, You’ll Love It

Likely most of you have done your shopping this long weekend, but if not there are some amazing deals this Cyber Monday. I did a list of the best sales for Black Friday and many of those promotions are still taking place. So instead of a repeat, here are items I own and love that… Continue Reading Cyber Monday: I Own It, You’ll Love It