Sunday – Dots and Stripes

Tee – L.L. Bean
Scarf – Ann Taylor (similar)
Jeans – NYDJ
Boots – DUO “Bern”
Bag – Banana Republic “Sandhurst Hobo” (similar)
Silver cuff (similar)
Sunglasses – Marc by Marc Jacobs
Sunday was a day of errands, and a trip to “The King's Crown” for our “Fancy Nancy.” Emerson is OBSESSED with the Fancy Nancy books – our friend M got her one for her birthday last year but she just got really into it and now has four of them.
Well Emerson got a new pair of sunglasses and decided that she was a movie star and desperately wanted to go to the King's Crown and eat with her pinkies in the air. Franklin's is a fun restaurant nearby that I felt was a good King's Crown equivalent. Went in, the hostess took us to our table and Emerson stood there in her cat eye frames and said, “Excuse me, I am a movie star.” The hostess said, “Aren't we all sweetie?” which make my husband and I giggle. Emerson ate her grilled cheese with her pinkies up!
Anyway, weekends means easy dressing – this new tee is a weekend staple, and I loved being able to jazz it up with this scarf (last seen here). This bag is still my utter favorite, even though it's getting battered and bruised. I also have it in black, but the tab one is still my baby!