
Thursday: Going Old School Sep 06, 2012

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Shirt: Target (similar)
Jeans: Gap
Shoes: Ivanka Trump
Bracelets: Nordstrom, Ann Taylor, Lauren Ralph Lauren, c/o Soft Surroundings
Earrings: Filene's Basement (similar)
Bag: Sabina (similar)

My company moved offices a couple weeks ago and one of the many perks of our new location is a modern bathroom… with a full-length mirror! I had to be at work at 7am this morning so no fancy photos from my husband. Figured I might as well take advantage of an empty bathroom with good lighting!

If you can't tell, I woke up and thought it was Friday. I knew I had a lunch to celebrate a coworker's pregnancy, and somehow that got me in a Friday denim frame of mind. Good thing I didn't have any client meetings on the books today!

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A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. I think I just looked at every one of your pictures! I love fashion but sometimes get a little tired with my wardrobe…you’ve definitely inspired my inner fashionista…and lovin the boyfriend jeans (didn’t think I could pull them off before but I’m gonna give ’em a shot!)

  2. I had to mention that I bought a pair of leopard flats, thanks to you! I absolutely love them! They work great with skirts, jeans and dress pants.

  3. Too funny! I got my days confused this week too due to the holiday. Love the denim on denim! I haven’t been brave enough to give it a try yet.


  4. I probably have a skewed frame of reference, because I work in a dress code-free office full of creative types, but dang, to me, this outfit seems casual in name only! Sure, denim is the official fabric of weekend recreation, but you’re so effing put together. I mean leopard heels? RAWR. 😀

    1. It surely isn’t something I would wear on a weekday when I realize it’s a weekday, but my office is pretty relaxed and it’s acceptable on Fridays. However, I wouldn’t wear it with flats or lack of jewelry, I’d feel more like I worked at an auto body shop 🙂

  5. Just wanted to let you know that I now have TWO pairs of these boyfriend jeans because of YOU! Love them, and love your blog!

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