True Fashionista: Interview with Stephanie Hoff Clayton
Sometimes you come across a blog that has a style completely different from your own but still you find it incredibly inspiring. So inspiring, you think of it often, and though you don't wish to replicate her style, it affects how you shop, and how you think about clothing. That's how I feel about Stephanie Hoff Clayton.

I originally found Stephanie's blog a bit ago when she had a separate personal style blog and was amazed by her carefully edited style. She focuses on shapes, drape, and silhouettes more than separates. Her wardrobe is primarily black which better showcases the architecture of the clothing. Graphic, modern, clean, unique – all words I would use to describe Stephanie's personal style.
But Stephanie is not a just fashion blogger, but an artist. Her fashion is just one way of expressing her art. Stephanie states on her personal site, “I am concerned with structure, texture, imperfection and, ultimately, the order of things seen and unseen.” While this is seen through her encaustic paintings, pastels, and watercolors, it is also seen on her blog Odyssey Home (now defunct) via her fashion choices and interest in home decor and design.
Stephanie inspires me to purchase quality, not quantity.ย I regularly see her wear the same pieces again and again yet they always look new and different thanks to how she styles them.ย She also reminds me that black and other neutrals do not have to be boring if you focus on cut, shape, and how you accessorize.ย It's amazing how, as you can see above, a different color of lipstick will completely transform Stephanie's look – proof that details matter and are what takes clothing from being separates to an ensemble.
Since Stephanie began recording her ensembles in 2010, I have seen her develop her personal style.ย While it has always been graphic, clean, and beautiful in its simplicity, she has honed it and become even more personal and quite avant garde.ย I love going to her blog and seeing a new change of hair, a new lipstick, a new purchase become a favorite and a signature piece.ย I also love how she makes her outfit pictures works of art, using her body to display the shape of the garment, or to add drama to the ensemble.ย To me, Stephanie is the epitome of a True Fashionista; I was honored that she was willing to be a part of this series.ย Here's her take on the same five questions I ask each True Fashionista:
How would you describe your personal style?
Dark, casual elegance that is subtly avant garde. Minimal, consistent, wearable.
Where did you get your passion for fashion?
I have always been interested in design. I studied fashion at university (then later, art and art history). I now work in the visual arts and am highly sensitive to aesthetics.
Where do you find sartorial inspiration?
Probably everywhere – in architecture, nature, art, other blogs. Concrete ideas come from my head; then I seek specific pieces for my wardrobe that fit my ideologies.
What is the difference between fashion and style?
Fashion is wavering, influenced by the winds of change. Fashion is cyclical. Style is personal taste that evolves over time. To be stylish is to know yourself, be consistent and have a keen eye.
Any advice for a woman who is starting to find her personal style?
Think before buying. Be true to yourself. Grow as a person. Live life.
I’m so glad I stumbled upon this! Stephanie has great style, and her advice in the last question is very sound.