I tried to get to work today…
I tried to get to work today…
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As I mentioned in this blog post, I think a cotton shirtdress is one of the best things for summer. They dry fast, they don’t cling, and they can make you look and feel polished even with sweat running down your legs. When perusing the New Arrivals from Chico’s I found this pink cotton shirtdress… Continue Reading Pink Cotton Shirtdress from Chico’s Black Label
Black puff-sleeved sweater from Banana Republic (got from their sale rack this past weekend), black and cream knit circle skirt from Rachel Palley, black tights from DKNY, black heeled oxfords from BCBGirls, silver cuff. Hair is second day, I straightened the bangs, left the rest as bedhead and even in creased the bedhead look by… Continue Reading Wednesday
Chambray shirt – MeronaOrange skirt with exposed side zipper – Ann Taylor (not yet available online)Necklace – picked up on trip to Italy years agoTeal pumps – Jessica Simpson (no longer available – similar)Clutch purse – Novica (no longer available but check their site out, some fabulous handmade beauties!)Silver cuff and hoops Tonight I am… Continue Reading My Wardrobe Today – Wednesday
I bought new shoes. I didnโt really NEED these shoes. I have ankle booties that I can wear with skirts, and I have a pair of city boots I can wear with jeans and trousers. However the ankle booties are peeptoe, and the city bootsโฆ well I just donโt like them. I bought them… Continue Reading In Wardrobe-related News…
shoes | bag | cuff | sunglasses | earrings
Dress: c/o Karen Kane | Necklace: Boutique in Rehoboth Beach (similar) | Watch: Citizen c/o WatchCo | Bracelets: Indigo Spiritual and Focus c/o Lifetherapy; “Emerson” c/o Kristin Biggs, Stella and Dot; had forever | Shoes: MICHAEL Michael Kors After the tragedy in Bangladesh, I am trying to be more conscious of where my clothes are… Continue Reading Making a Splash
nice style..! so chic and fashionable!
** I really should have hit “Preview” before “Publish.”
This is what it should be edited…
Wow, you guys are brave in even trying to commute into work. I live in So Cal and it has been in the mid to high 30s when I leave for work… and that’s enough to wish I could crawl back underneath the covers.
Anyway, question for you- how does doing your hair/makeup make working from home any easier? I frequently work from home, and I’d be lucky to get out of my sweats (or PJs) by mid-day.
Wow, you guys are brave in even trying to commute into work. I live in So Cal and it has been in the mid to high 30s when I leave for work… and that’s enough to wish I could crawl back under near the covers.
Anyway, question for you- how does doing your hair/makeup make working from home any easier? I frequently work from home, and I’d be lucky to get out of my sweat by mid-day.
you are TOO ADORABLE! look at that smile ๐
i am somewhat jealous because we have had a super-low-snow winter and i want to go snowshoeing, but i don’t think i want THAT much ๐
Hey longtime reader here – just dropping by to say that you look really great in today’s photo! ๐
I’m close to you and I’m also going nuts. Stark raving mad. Will the snow never end!?!?!?
You look great in the picture!
They have been saying in our news that we have to get the backlash from your snow storms! I am not looking forward to it!
I find that taking the time to do my makeup and get properly dressed really helps me when I try to work from home. Sure it feels like you are wasting time .. but really you are saving time, because later I am much more pulled together and organized..
yay for staying home in snowy weather!
Love that top you are wearing! And I hope you have a fun snow day! Stay safe and warm ๐
You’re courageous to try to go out in so much snow and with crazy drivers. Here on the opposite end of the country, it snows so rarely that hardly any of us can drive well in the snow (myself included.) Stay safe and warm!
I’m glad to hear that you are making it okay! We don’t have near the snow y’all do (only about 5″) but it still causes cancellations and I’m getting cabin fever too! Of course, I’m getting several projects done around the house, so that is a plus. I never thought I’d say it (I am not a fan of sweating) but bring on summer! ๐