Tuesday Night

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Picture 020Picture 021Yet another concert! This one was The John Butler Trio, one of my very favorite bands. I saw them for the first time this summer at Bonnaroo and have been a teensy bit obsessed every since. I love their jam/funk/everything sound and heck, John Butler ain't a bad looking guy either! ๐Ÿ™‚

I ended up getting home a touch late and wasn't feeling the best – my hives had been acting up that day and I was feeling a bit sneezy/coughy/etc. Rushed to brush teeth, update makeup and change super fast – it was utterly freezing and I thought we would be taking the Metro and walking. So in 15 minutes I threw this on, got myself together and headed out.

Black and gray striped stretchy v-neck sweater from Banana Republic (2006), black ribbed tank from Caslon (Summer 2007), patch-pocket cotton jeans from Gap Outlet (2004), black “Chucks” (this fall), silver hoops and cuff.

Same hair.

Makeup, I touched up wtih some MAC Blot Powder in Light, Revlon Super Lustrous lip gloss in Glossy Rose and a line of Maybelline UltraLiner in black on top lash line.

I knew the crowd would be a pretty relaxed bunch and with it being freezing out and warm inside there was a good changce my top layer would be around my waist midway through the show.

The show was AMAZING. I think this was the best concert I have EVER seen. The band is so talented, the music infectious, the crowd so energized. The music was so good, it really made me cry and I turned to my sister and her face was shining with tears as well. Yeah, they are that awesome!

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. I found your blog a few days ago, and check it daily first thing in the morning! I love your style! I’m a sahm, but that doesn’t mean i have to wear sweats all day long! Keep rockin’

  2. I just discovered you by accident a day or two ago– I am so impressed by your personal responsibility level!
    I run a fashion blog for Atlanta, GA, and I would love to steal your idea for taking a picture of my outfits every day.. except I never actually manage to put on my makeup until I’m in the car and half my clothes are in piles around my apartment.

    You have style though, both in your clothing choices and in your writing. Love the blogs.

    I tip my hat to you, also, for braving DC weather! Yikes!



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