Wednesday: Sense of Humor

When figuring out a costume for today I couldn't pass up making fun of myself as a fashion blogger.ย I'm proud to be one, and I am so glad blogs are out there to show you don't have to fit a certain mold to be stylish and have fun with fashion.ย But you gotta admit, it is pretty funny of a hobby/profession!ย Much love to my fellow fashion bloggers, and I hope all of you have a very Happy Halloween!
haha I love your costume! It’s actually a really cute outfit ๐
OMG! Mimi from Drew Carey show! You nailed it! Amazing gurl!
Hahahahahahaha, you nailed it! Between the over-abundance of pattern mixing, the neon tights, and the hipster glasses, I giggled at every shot. And the poses!!! Too too funny.
LOL too funny!
I still can’t get over how cute this costume is. You have a great sense of humor! And you know I just thought, you should’ve done one of those poses where you’re looking down at your shoes, haha
Allie, you look fantastic! I don’t remember seeing the bubble necklace on you. I’ve seen it EVERYWHERE. At one point I wanted one too…I think I’ll pass on that trend though. I was wondering what the reactions were from strangers and colleagues?
Thanks Robin! I wore this necklace a lot earlier in the year, I think I got it back in March? Other than some folks gritting on me in Starbucks, I didn’t get much reaction, but then I drove to work and left early and I had coworkers dressed as Clark Kent, the devil, and John Lennon ๐
did you just say “gritting”? this is why i heart you.
This is great! Bravo Allie! Your sense of humor is what sets you apart from so many other fashion bloggers and I really dig it
This is amazing! Hahahahahahahah!
Oh wow. You are the best! I laughed my head off over this, it’s always fun to see blogger trends laughed at since it really is a silly hobby! (Heh, but a fun one!)
Haha, hilarious!
LOVE IT! Thanks for making me laugh today ๐
Hahaha Oh I love this! All of your poses are so happy and fun too. I love people who aren’t afraid to laugh at themselves and who don’t take themselves too seriously. Such a great idea for a Halloween costume!
That’s too funny. I was thinking along the same lines; I was planning to see how many fall trends I could shoehorn into a single outfit.
Absolutely brilliant! And not too far off Absolutely Fabulous as well! Luvvit.
Your outfit reminds me of the character on Criminal Minds. CM fans will know who I mean. I love all your outfits and examples of clothes. I can’t see anything under the picture to right click. How can I find out the brands/sources? It is driving me nuts! Thanks!!
My cousin said the same thing about CM! :-). As for the clothes I usually provide links but didn’t this time thinking brands may not like it :-). But the striped top is LL Bean, dotted top is CAbi, skirt Ann Taylor, tights Express, necklace eBay, shoes Franco Sarto, glasses Amazob (fake), orange belt Target, blue one Ann Taylor, orange bracelet also AT, blue one Lydell NYC, crystal necklace Ann Taylor… That’s all I can recall at this point, let me know if you have a specific question!
Oh my gosh, LOVE these photos!! Garden State is one of my favorite movies, great quote ๐
Oh ha ha ha, great!
This is THUH BEST.
Allie, I love you. Pumpkin spice FTW. That is all.
You win the Internets today. So good.
hee, love it
Allie, you rock. This is awesome. Pattern mixing, bubble necklace, shamepuff, funny poses, fake glasses, PSL, bright tights, arm party and all. Love!
This totally cracks me up! You look amazing, as always, and last week, I wrote a post about my fashion fail with tights that color. You look much cuter than I did! So jealous. ๐
Awesome! I can’t believe you got such great candid pictures, most of the time I look so posed ๐
Thank you! What a well-timed giggle!! You look mahvelous, dahling, simply mahvelous!
Thank you dahling!
I saw the sneak peek on instagram this morning, but never could have guessed this! Absolutely wonderful. I love it!
LOVE IT! I think it’s good to poke fun, and I am glad that I don’t see too much of myself in your costume! ๐
BAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! you are awesome! The poses, the coffee, everything. All of it! Amazing.
Too cute!
What a fun a posts! This totally reminds me of a series that of How to be a Fashion Blogger series! I think you’ve got them all. Happy Halloween!!
hahahahaha this just made my day!
This is FANTASTIC! You nailed it. The poses are hilarious, and I love the “pumpkin spice latte” prop! You covered everything – bubble necklace, pattern mixing, leopard print, arm parties, haha. Mad kudos to you for being able to laugh at yourself – some people take themselves way too seriously!
Thanks for this post! ๐
ha good one! I do like pairing stripes and polka dots. Good pattern mixing idea
Very well executed ! love al the poses.
Love it! You just brought a smile upon my face.
Happy Halloween!
I think I just fell in love…
I looooooove this. Had a great giggle. Fabulous!
This made me giggle so hard. Pattern mixing, bubble necklace, blogger bun. Perfect! The only thing you’re missing is something chambray ๐
Nice use of the CAbi blouse! I’m wearing mine today also with a persimmon/orange colored cami underneath.
I LOVE this blouse! So glad the weather is cool enough for me to wear it again… next time in a more… traditional way! ๐
You. Rock. Never mind the FABULOUS pattern mixing (seriously, how do you do that?!) but your sense of humor shines through these pics. I LOVE them! Thank you for making me smile, and Happy Halloween!
OMG I love this!!!!! The perfect parody of all things!
You look adorable! Haha! Happy Halloween!
This is AWESOME. And yup, you absolutely nailed it – pumpkin spice latte and all!
That all said I love this look on you. I don’t care if its a parody. I’d just snatch the glasses off you. One thing that drives me BONKERS is fake glasses. I don’t know why but it rubs me the wrong way. My wheelcheer bound friend named those people the “nonperscriptors” like hipsters but more annoying.
You just forgot to causally touch your hair in a “oh you caught me” way.
LOL my husband asked why I bought a pair of BC Glasses because that’s what they called the real versions in the Navy (BC = birth control). I wore fake glasses back in school until I found out I actually needed prescription glasses and realized what a pain they are and how stupid fake ones are!
is he ex-navy?
Yes ๐
Please tell him a sincere thank you from me.
wait weren’t you one of the ones encouraging me to wear stripes and leopard? ๐ I went back and looked and your weren’t but I burst our laughing at first because I had it on this morning and thought nah.
Heck yes, and I wear it together all the time! Everything in this outfit is something I already owned (except the glasses) which I thought made it even better. The idea of this came from me thinking this spotted top would look great under a striped tee and how I wouldn’t have even considered pattern mixing if it weren’t for this blog. You will see me quite often in leopard and stripes, but maybe not leopard and stripes and dots and two belts and colored tights! ๐
I wore leopard and stripes before but I feel like now with the big ol bump its like OMG LOOK AT ALL THE PATTERNS on me.
Girl you have a glorious bump!!
Ahahahaha! Nailed it! You hit it all, the glasses, the excessive arm party, pattern mixing, the ubiquitous bubble necklace, the hair pouf, the giant latte… all you’re missing is the sad taking your own iphone photo in a mirror picture and the extreme pigeon toe pose! Or maybe some element of your outfit that’s a terrible, visible-from-a-mile-away-that-you-made-it-yourself DIY!
I almost made collar tips out of aluminum foil or duct tape but ran out of time. I did buy fake nails with pre-done nail art but last minute decided against them fearing it would make work difficult today so you just get my ring nail painted in a contrast color!
Oh, you crack me up! This is so funny!
When I first saw this post I had forgotten it was Halloween. Relieved to realize you hadn’t completely lost it today. (laughing.) That’s a lot of look! Too cute!!!
My favorite photo is the one where you are sitting on the curb. Did Emerson notice the over the top outfit ?
No lie, when I went in Emerson’s room this morning she said, “Mommy too many bracelets is no good.” When I told her it was a costume she said, “That’s not a costume, silly Mommy. That’s your crab necklace and too many bracelets!” I was surprised, I was really thinking she’d like it and want to dress up like me. Guess princesses are cooler than fashion bloggers!
This response from her is the best. I adore her and her sense of, well, everything
I LOVE it!!
I tried to do a Mad Men-esque thing with a hat and tie… everyone thinks I’m Annie Hall. So be glad there is NO mistaking what you are today.
Bonus points for twee poses and the Pumpkin Spice Latte. Be sure to go ’round today telling everyone how “presh” they look.
I almost wore a cardi but it may have hidden my pattern mixing. And can’t believe the sun is out, wish I wore my sunnies! They are so presh, cat eye natch! Anyone have a macaron?
Girl you are TOTES CRAY CRAY ๐
So fetch!
annie hall is no slouch! like, totes!
Very cheeky! And while technically you should be a bit over the top, you really do look fabulous ๐
I wore purple tights and mouse ears to work today ๐
you rock. that is all.
Bravo! Hilarious.