Weekend Reads #275

Weekend Reads
Prisoners in the US are part of a hidden workforce linked to hundreds of popular food brands. (AP)
Culture can too often drive us apart. At the Grammys on Sunday, two artists delivered something different. (New York Times – gift article)
Tracy Chapman finally gets the standing ovation she deserves. (CNN)
An exclusive inside look at CeraVe’s viral Michael Cera campaign. (Glossy)
Masturbation abstinence is popular online. Doctors and therapists are worried. (NPR)
The comedian Hope Woodard is spreading the word about her yearlong break from sex and dating. One fan calls it “this year’s hottest mental health craze.” (New York Times – gift article)
When I shared my Fashivly review, many folks asked what was the brand of the leopard coat featured. It was ASOS Curve and is sold out. But it made me think of my old leopard coat I went to look up the Amazon seller I got it from. It's no longer available but this one gets good reviews and looks extremely similar. This coat at Nordstrom is longer and a few sizes are left. This coat on Etsy is available up to 3XL. This coat from Johnny Was is on sale and available in regular and petite.
And while looking at faux fur coats I found this shaggy jacket in the most fun of colors. This would be a great choice for a Vegas weekend, a jacket to wear with festive looks when it's a bit chilly, or just those who have fun and colorful wardrobes! I can't decide which color I like best!
Recycled Costumes: Why you see the same clothes over and over again. (Articles of Interest)
Issa Rae and Hollywood's unkept promises. (Time)
Zac Posen named EVP and Creative Director of Gap Inc. and Chief Creative Officer of Old Navy. (Gap)
U.S. Women Have Become More Liberal; Men Mostly Stable. (Gallup)
A growing cohort of activists are urging police forces to grapple with sexual attacks in virtual reality, but prosecuting digital abuse could be tricky. (Washington Post – gift article)
Thought this was a great round-up of trends for women over 35 and honored to be linked within it! (Reddit)
This week has been so full and also so productive, yet I have a lot to review that I listened to or watched.
FUED: Capote vs. The Swans is on Hulu and I watched the first episode with my husband last weekend. He was not down with it; he despised Truman Capote. His script, his voice, his actions… he refused to continue with the series. I watched Episode 2 this week and I think this show is for those who know at least a bit about this story already. Otherwise, I think it can be confusing, slow, and you will find Capote to be utterly despicable.
And for those interested, this is the link to Capote's piece in Esquire magazine; it's behind a paywall. If you're into breaking paywalls, there are many tools out there to read this without a subscription.
Last weekend, I went to see Poor Things at the historic movie theater in town. Dude. DUUUUUUDE. This film is amazing. It's the kind of film that makes me wish I was in college again taking film classes, spending hours breaking it down, discussing themes and meanings. I want to read the book and see the film again.
This is a film best seen in a theater. Not for all the folks who had no idea there is sex and nudity who walked out halfway through (FYI there is sex and nudity in the film and it isn't gratuitous and fits with the story). But the cinematography, the costumes, the scenery, the acting… it was amazing. I don't want to get into it, because I want you to see it as I did: not knowing much at all.
If you go see Poor Things, see it with a friend or a few friends and plan afterwards some time with coffee, tea, or another beverage to dig in and discuss. My sister and I sat at a bar Googling and chatting and Googling more and we could have discussed this film until dawn.
Going through my Audible account, I realized at some point I purchased Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski. Since I had finished my last Libby audiobook, I decided to start it. Are you ready for another dude? Because DUUUUUUDE this is a must-read.
Feeling burned out and your usual methods for getting back into things isn't working? Feel like you're not as productive as you used to be or should be? Wonder what happened to your drive, passion, multitasking skills, and mental strength since the pandemic? You need to read this book. And the audiobook is really well done and chapters can be consumed like a podcast.
Go kiss your partner for six seconds. No making out, just a nice kiss for six seconds. Hug someone, both of you with your feet planted firmly on the ground, not leaning into one another. Hold that hug for 20 seconds. Know that humans need 41% of each day dedicated to rest and that mindless playing of games on your phone isn't rotting your brain. That's just a snippet of what I've learned so far in Burnout.
K and I began watching Griselda on Netflix. Griselda Blanco, played by Sofia Vergara, is a famous Colombian drug lord based in Miami. We're not finished with the series and I am already frustrated by Griselda's ego and desire for power.
Vergara is fantastic. LIke shockingly fantastic. And I would like to see her in a better piece. Because this series is entertaining, but not great. It's really hard to know how much time has gone by. Did a week happen since that meeting or murder or did three years? And if you do even a Wikipedia review of the real Griselda Blanco, you know this series took major liberties. If you know the story, pass on this series because it's not accurate and has already been done so many times before. But I hope this opens doors for Vergara to do more serious acting.
For Your Entertainment
I am really enjoying these younger artists who are sharing their journey through life, love, and growing older with their lyrics. One who does this so well is Kacey Musgraves, a 35-year-old country music singer who is releasing her next album March 15th. This week, Musgraves released a video for “Deeper Well,” which is also the title of her upcoming album.
“Sometimes you reach a crossroads. Winds change direction. What you once felt drawn to doesn’t hold the same allure,” Musgraves said of “Deeper Well” in a press release, “you get blown off course, but eventually find your footing and forage for new inspiration, new insight, and deeper love somewhere else.”
Whether or not you're familiar with Kacey Musgraves' previous music, you can still know some of her history in the lyrics of this song. It's a song that makes me remember being in a similar place when I was around her age. Enjoy.
Burnout was great! I bought a paper copy and find myself referring to it regularly.
As for that article on prison labor, it really opened my mind! I knew it was legal and problematic, but I learned so much. Now I’m going to have to look into the sources of materials I buy.
Burnout is such a great book indeed! I usually get my non fiction from the library, but I went out and bought a copy of this one so I could refer back, reread, and remind myself of the great wisdom these two authors share.
I like it so much I think I’ll get a paper copy to keep. And I may gift this to others too!
For a movie recommendation -I LOVED American Fiction! It is laugh-out-loud funny. My husband and I are going to see it again –it was that funny and also very thought-provoking. Inspired hours of discussion among the 4 of us that went to see it.
I heard it was great I need to see it!
Agreed! I thought it was fantastic- funny, sad, lots to say about the American experience. Highly recommend.