Weekend Reads #286

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Georgia O'Keeffe, Lake George Reflection, 1922
Georgia O'Keeffe, Lake George Reflection, 1922

Hi folks, I have been a bit quiet here on Wardrobe Oxygen because I am an election judge, and this year I was tapped to help with early voting. For four days this past week, I was at a local community center from 6am to 9pm ensuring fair and accessible voting for that city and neighboring cities. No phones or computers allowed on the voting floor, so it was impossible to work on content for the blog or social media.

On top of that, my sister and I have a goal to have my mom's house ready to be listed for sale by Memorial Day. The estate sale was on a weekend with horrible weather and driving rain and we didn't sell as much as we wished and now have to figure out what to do with the remaining things in a short span of time without having it involve a landfill (not looking for suggestions, we have a plan but all plans take time and effort and strategy).

Because I was screen-free for most of this past week, I don't have many Weekend Reads for you to enjoy, and I haven't watched much TV or listened to much music. But I did want to check in and remind all of you in the United States to vote Tuesday!

The primaries are important, even if they don't determine who will be your next president/senator/local politician. They still determine the individual for each party and provide important data to your county, state, and national politicians and government. In many states, voter rights are being limited; it is important to use your voting privilege to show your power and importance and to keep elections fair and accessible for all of our country's citizens.

If you are a fellow resident of Maryland, click on this link to get information on how to be an election judge. This is a paid position in our state. In Prince George's County, we are looking for election judges for the general election. It entails working all of election day, a couple of hours the night before to set up the polling place, and a couple of hours of training at the Board of Elections in Largo. You do not need to also participate in early voting.

For other state residents, just Google, “how to be an election judge in [your state or county]” and a link should show up offering information. Election judges are needed; I know in my country a lot are retirees on fixed incomes and many are still doing it even though they struggle with the long days because of a feeling of duty. We need more election judges, and ones who are younger so they have time to become extremely knowledgeable in the position.

I do not regret for an instance signing up to be an election judge several years ago. I have learned so much about elections, have gotten to know my neighbors and fellow poll workers so well, and have become a part of an amazing community of individuals dedicated to democracy. You need no special skills and the position is great for a range of abilities and ages.

Weekend Reads

The battle for attention. (The New Yorker)

The stylist Law Roach on his role as an โ€œimage architect,โ€ being a diva and his master plan for whatโ€™s next. (New York Times – gift article)

Anti-abortion group sues Indiana health department for access to abortion records. (Indiana Capital Chronicle)

Should you still take birth control during perimenopause? (Gloria)

If thin is in again โ€” and we have โ€œmiracle drugsโ€ to get us there โ€” can we still love ourselves at any size? (The Cut)

The wimple life: American nuns face the abyss. (The Baffler)

The unwanted shelter dog who found his way to Westminster. (New York Times – gift article)

The diminishing returns of having good taste. (The Atlantic – gift article)

On losing my mother, and finding her again. (Washington Post – gift article)

โ€˜I will never forget any of itโ€™: Brittney Griner is ready to talk. (New York Times – gift article)

Is the ‘rest gap' why women are so exhausted? (HuffPo)

What they did to our women: Azadeh Moaveniย on sexual violence inย wartime. (CW: rape; London Review of Books)

Targetโ€™s Pride Month collection to appear in fewer stores. (Washington Post- gift article)


hacks season 3 poster

Hacks (Max) is back and I am so happy! This is such a smart show, with the most interesting characters and relationships. Jean Smart is phenomenal and the relationship between her character, Deborah Vance, and Ava Daniels (played by Hannah Einbinder) is complex and continues to develop over each season.

the characters Deborah and Ava from the TV show Hacks, looking at one another in an elevator

I don't have much to say other than watch this show! Start with Season 1 of Hacks; I believe that is necessary to understand each character and come to love them. I am looking forward to having time this weekend to watch the 4th episode of Season 3, which dropped this week!

A woman with curly hair wearing a plaid blazer holds a green fur coat over her shoulder on a city street.

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  1. Thank you for the article on violence against women and girls during the Israel-Hamas war. I found it to be the most objective and comprehensive discussion Iโ€™ve read so far for such a serious issue.

  2. My perimenopause journey (so far) has been marked by some cognitive glitching and a decrease in my ability to manage stress, but not the biggies like hot flashes and anger or mood swings. I wonder if that’s because I still have an IUD at 51? That is providing some hormones which could be leveling me out a bit. The IUD does need to come out though and this is definitely a convo to have at that time. Having spent 20+ years of my life on hormonal BC I have no problem taking more if that eases my path.

  3. Re: birth control in perimenopause, even if you are 45 or over, even if the odds are improbable for pregnancy, they arenโ€™t zero. A good friend just had a very unexpected first pregnancy and that baby arrived a couple weeks before she turned 46 (everyoneโ€™s home and healthy.) The odds are markedly higher if youโ€™ve been pregnant before. I know of another couple who had their last child in their early 50s. Yโ€™all probably can add more stories to the mix.

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