What I Wore: Jewel Tones

This outfit features two items I received free from blogging, but two things I utterly adore and wear regularly with much joy. I love Dobbin Clothing – their ethics, their style, their quality, and service. This dress has gotten a lot of wear this year, and I wear it often with tights and boots now that it has gotten so cold. I wore it once with this jacket and loved the color combination and decided to repeat it for the blog.
And this bag… oh how I love this bag. it's the Erin Satchel from Fossil and it's my new favorite. While I often wear it with the long strap to make it a crossbody, I sometimes remove the long strap and carry it like a doctor's bag. The shorter straps are still long enough to tuck it into the crook of my elbow and it's easier in the season of heavy coats with hoods and laptop bags and too much going on around the neck. But this bag is really well made, holds everything, has really intelligent pockets and always brings me compliments. I like bags that look luxe but aren't covered with logos; Fossil keeps branding subtle and lets the style shine.
I think this would have looked better with wavy/curly hair but it's a lot faster to do my hair straight in the morning.ย A good clue to what type of morning I have had is how curly my hair is.ย If it's curly and looks great, I had a good night's sleep, thought ahead to shower the night prior, had time for breakfast and am feeling fine.ย When it's like this, I am running late but at least had time for a shower.ย When it's in a messy updo… watch out because mama hasn't had her coffee and probably forgot her phone at home!
I love that green leather jacket! It’s a gorgeous color on you! As is the fuchsia dress, but I have a serious clothes crush on that jacket!
I have admired this dress for a long time on you, but just am now checking out Dobbin. I’m always looking for ethical clothing companies, and Dobbin seems like a great one! They’re wicked expensive (for me), so I’ll need to save for a bit to buy anything, but I would love to get a dress or a jacket from them one day. Thanks for introducing them to me!
I never would have thought to pair these colors together – but you look fabulous! I especially love that jacket!
Hi Allie! I also love my Dobbin wear…thank you for introducing me to the brand! I am wondering if you would ever think of hosting a forum where those of us who have supported Dobbin could post a photo of how we have styled our purchases on your site? I think it would be fun to see how others are wearing the line. Sara
I could do that! I’ve got a very similar dress and jacket in similar colours. I’d never have thought of putting them together, but it really works.
LOVE the color combo!
Oh these three colors look spectacular together !